Liens utiles

École Gabrielle-Roy (EGR)
Fédération des parents francophones de C.-B. (FPFCB)
Conseil scolaire francophone de la Colombie-Britannique (CSFCB)
Programme de francisation Paul et Suzanne
Fédération des francophones de la Colombie-Britannique (FFCB)
Alliance Francophone et Francophile – Greater Vancouver & Fraser Valley
Réso-santé Colombie-Britannique
French services directory from FFCB

For Exogamous Families

An exogamous family (in the meaning of the word as used in Canada) is made up of an English-speaking parent and a French-speaking parent. It is a frequent occurrence in British-Columbia and it presents unique challenges for the French-speaking parent and the English parent as well as for the family and friends of the child. Here are resources specifically for you.

A publication from FPFCB providing ideas on how to encourage the french language use with your child. (In French)
"I'm with you" A publication with guidance for the English parent with a child schooled in French.
Report on the needs of exogamous canadian familes (in French)

Étiquettes personnalisées

Commandez vos étiquettes personnalisées Mabel's Labels pour les objets et vêtements de vos enfants ou offrez un cadeau original et aidez en même temps à ramasser des fonds pour La Coccinelle.Lien ici.
